Branches Of Hope
Erasmus +: KA105 - Youth Exchange - Programme Countries
Place: Greece
Activity Dates: 14/10/2021 - 22/10/2021
Dissemination Tools:
Project Description:
This project has been developed over the last two years from a partnership that was established from a series of youth exchanges, training courses, PBAs and Salto training where the partner organisations identified common concerns relating to youth and the environment, environmental concerns in the partner countries and also in other EU countries. The project was developed by youth and youth organisation from the partner countries to focus on common environmental concerns and to work together to share knowledge and experiences and to learn from each other to overcome these problems and to create awareness of the issues within all our communities. The partners worked on the project based on concerns in each of the partner countries relating to youth.
There are many problems in our world, and natural resources are becoming less. Water is an element that we all need to survive. The problem with our youth however is that they understand little about the ongoing problems our world is facing and the impact that our actions have on the environment. Many countries today already experience problems with water shortages and have started importing and buying water from other countries. We hope to create awareness of water and water resources among our youth so that they can take care of our planet and protect it, so that they can be the future who keeps our planet alive so that more generations can enjoy life and the minerals and resources our planet has. We will see what our youth know about water, in each of their countries, how they respect the water and how important it to them. We will try to put a value on the importance of water. The participants will present water in their countries and see how we can make changes in our lives, in our policy and in our Europe to make sure we always have water for life.
The participants will learn the importance of environmental conservation with an emphasis on protecting the live-giving resource of water. They will learn to treasure the resources our planet has and to see how the protection of this resource can give rise to employment opportunities in our countries and in the EU.
Therefore our project has two main objectives, environmental conservation and the overcoming of youth unemployment. Combining two main priorities allows us to have a greater result from our project in that we will learn to protect our resources and also create employment opportunities in doing so. We will see how abundant or scares these natural resources are and understand the economic impact of the use or abuse of these resources and from this try to find ways to create jobs and other employment opportunities to help preserve and protect them. We will also see how the various skills and competencies of our youth can be used to protect these resources and adapt the skills to various employment opportunities in their countries and in other countries.