DREAM - Digital Resilience through Education and Analysing Media


Erasmus + : KA153 - Mobility of Youth Workers - Programme Countries

Place: Bulgaria, Petrohan (venue)

Activity Dates: 17/10/2022 - 25/10/2022 

Countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Malta, Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Cyprus and Armenia

Participants per country: 3 youth workers aged 18+

Project Description:
1. Build the capacity of the youth workers from the partner organizations and beyond to address the needs of the young people they work with in relation to the responsible, efficient, mindful and healthy use of digital media, as well as to critical thinking and analyzing online

2. Encourage youth workers to address the needs of young people in the area of digital and social media use, especially those of disadvantaged young people who often lack basic skills and knowledge in this field and do not have access to tools, information and guidance on how to use ICTs in a healthy way.

3. Tackle topics related to online safety, digital wellbeing, media literacy and critical thinking that are very relevant in an increasingly digital era, especially in a period of increased dependence on digital tools for communication, work, studies, etc.