Enhancing Youth Empowerment through Digital Transformation and Green Skills Development (E-YOUTH)
Project Concept Note: Enhancing Youth Empowerment through Digital Transformation and Green Skills Development (E-YOUTH)
Call: KA220-YOU
Submission Deadline: 2 October 2023
Budget: €250,000
Introduction: We are pleased to present a concept note for a collaborative project under the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 call, with a focus on addressing digital transformation, enhancing youth employability, and fostering active citizenship through the development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity. The project aims to empower young people by equipping youth workers, teachers, educators, and ultimately, the youth themselves, with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing digital world.
Target Groups:
- Youth workers, teachers, and educators working with young people.
- Young people aged 15-29, particularly those seeking to develop their digital, entrepreneurial, and green skills.
Partnership: The project will be coordinated by One Terrene International (OTI) in Cyprus, with active participation from partners in Spain, Italy, Latvia, and Greece. We invite additional partners who are passionate about promoting youth empowerment and meeting the outlined objectives. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the future of our youth and our societies.