EYOUxit EURemain

Erasmus + : KA1 - Youth Exchange - Programme Countries

Place: United Kingdom, London

Activity Dates: 17/02/2018 - 25/02/2018



Photo Gallery


1. Bora Bora Express

2. Daily Cosmic

3. Emania

4. Eurolig News

5. Magazine EU

6. The YEUTH

7. The Persecuted

8. The Voice Of Europe

9. Unity In Diversity

10. YOUng EU

















Project Description: 

With the referendum in the UK resulting in the UK on the verge of exiting the EU, we see confusion and distress. What happened and what will happen? How does this affect us? Is there a weakness in the EU? We will examine the meaning of the common market and how this affects all of us. So many countries want access to this common market and even the UK who voted to leave the EU, still wants access to the common market. What is the price of being part of the common market and why is the UK voting to leaving the EU when leaving it would be a disadvantage? We will see the relationship that Norway has with the EU, and how different this is from a normal member of the EU. Is there an advantage to this? Rumour has it that the UK will follow this path, what will the impact of this be on the UK and the EU?

We will look at mobility, one the major factors, believed to give the leave vote its majority. We will examine the Mobility Treaty and see if this has disadvantages to member states. We will also examine how Switzerland tried to abandon the freedom of mobility treaty with the EU, which was never realised. All of these factors have to do with democracy and how it works and how it affects us. Is democracy failing?

We saw that the results of the UK referendum showed a very small margin of difference in the results, showing how democracy works, but also showing that democracy can leave almost half the voting population dissatisfied with the results. We also saw how youth felt cheated by this referendum because they could not vote for such an important issue. Is this yet another statistic showing how young people have no say in their future?

As a result of the UK referendum we also saw, in the media, that some other countries want a EU exit. Is this propaganda or is the EU truly starting to fail? The question boils down to how we measure success and failure. If it was a question of economics only, the EU is a world power economically speaking. If it’s a question of influence on policy, every EU country has a say on EU policy, and even has some liberty to create specific laws for their country, education being one of these. These are only some of the questions we will ask to try to understand why many feel that the EU is not working or failing. Perhaps we will discover some problems that are not in the media, or perhaps the media is sharing different version of reality in different countries.

Our objective is to understand the working of the EU, how it works, why it works and what role we as youth play in it and how we can change the future of our EU, so that we are truly living in a Union.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Erasmus + Programme). These publication(s) article(s), video(s) and magazine(s) reflect the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.