GREEN-ED - Green Education for Empowering New Directions


Project Concept Note: GREEN-ED - Green Education for Empowering New Directions
Coordinator: OTI – Cyprus
Deadline: 02 October 2023
Erasmus+ KA220-ADU

1. Introduction

GREEN-ED is an innovative transnational project aimed at empowering adults through a unique blend of digital skills development and environmental sustainability education. With a core focus on fostering a greener economy, circular practices, and climate change mitigation, GREEN-ED will equip adult learners with the tools, knowledge, and skills to thrive in an evolving job market while championing environmental responsibility.


We are looking for reliable partners from EU countries to deliver this project. Partners with experience in Adult Education or with experience in Climate change and Environmental Sustainability are preferred. To ensure a balance of knowledge sharing, we welcome both experienced and inexperienced partners with respect to Erasmus+ KA220 projects.