United Nations of Europe

Erasmus+: KA1 - Youth Exchange - Programme Countries

Place: United Kingdom

Dates: 11/01/2016 - 19/01/2016

This youth exchange, one of the first projects in the new era of Erasmus + , will examine the elements that combine EU together as well of EU's crisis. The project will be developed upon the ideas of the youth on how they experience the model of democracy in their country and how problems are solved within the partner countries. Questions like: Is EU mashing its people in one unified grey mass? Or does it respect and learn from the diversity EU is biult upon. The project will find answers on questions such as how much do we really know about thd values of Europe? Which is the difference of cultural unification and economical? Is EU based only EZ or is it something more deeper? Basically the project because it will be consisted by partners from small countries, they will examine how important they feel in  European Union. "What do you expect from Europe and what can you give? What are you willing to recieve and what is EU wiling to recieve and hear?" The project will analyze the foundations of the European Union.



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1. Country

2. E-Mag

3. Curiosity

4. European News 


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Erasmus + Programme).

This publication article reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.